Carina Mirabile broke down in tears on Monday night when she was told Awhina Rutene would be moving in with her husband Paul Antoine during partner swap week.
The Married At First Sight bride, 31, sobbed and said she was ‘uncomfortable’ with her husband, 30, sleeping in the same bed as Awhina, 30, after he briefly dated her twin sister Cleo two years ago.
She claimed the partner swap, which sees each contestant swap their betrothed with someone else for three days, was ‘like a form of cheating’ and she didn’t want to take part in it.
‘I don’t like that. No, I don’t want to do that. Why Awhina out of all the girls?’ Carina told Paul when they learned of the new challenge.
‘You’ve already slept with her sister now you’re going to sleep in the same bed as her.’
Carina went on to tell producers Paul had informed her a few weeks prior of his sexual history with Awhina’s identical twin sister.
Carina Mirabile (pictured) broke down in tears on Monday night when she was told Awhina Rutene would be moving in with her husband Paul Antoine during partner swap week
‘A few weeks ago, Paul told me he had a little fling back in the day with Awhina’s twin sister. So, yeah,’ she said.
‘My heart is racing. No hard feelings toward Awhina, but Awhina and her sister look identical.
‘So, I don’t want Awhina moving into our apartment and sleeping in our bed with my husband.’
The digital marketing manager said she feels ‘protective and possessive’ over Paul and doesn’t want to share him with another woman.
‘Sharing my husband with another woman, it’s like a form of cheating,’ she said.
‘It completely goes against my values, my religion [Catholic], the way I was raised… For me, loyalty is everything.’
As Paul attempted to comfort Carina, she broke down in tears over the challenge.
‘What’s going through your head at the moment?’ he asked, to which she responded: ‘Everything. I’m just trying to process it all and how uncomfortable I am with it.
The Married At First Sight bride, 31, sobbed and said she was ‘uncomfortable’ with her husband, 30, (pictured) sleeping in the same bed as Awhina, 30 , after he briefly dated her twin sister Cleo two years ago
‘I don’t want to do it. I don’t. I don’t agree with it. I don’t want to be doing this. This doesn’t feel like it’s going to bring me closer to you.’
Paul then asked Carina if she was ‘scared’ something might happen between him and Awhina, but she denied it, saying: ‘No, I just think it’s very weird.
‘The fact that you’ll be having a shower and she’ll be in the room. It’s just weird. That’s our bed.’
However, Paul later revealed to Awhina his bride said she would have been okay with the partner swap if it was another woman moving into her apartment.
Meanwhile, Carina appeared to change her tune when Awhina finally showed up to the apartment, telling her fellow bride she was just upset to be leaving Paul for three days.
‘It’s a long time. One night is fine. A sleepover is fine,’ she told Awhina, before going into the bedroom and whispering to Paul: ‘You better not share a bed.’
Carina soon left the room with her luggage after Awhina showed up, and asked producers to move her into a temporary hotel room as she broke down into tears.
‘I wouldn’t be doing this in the outside world. You don’t do sleepovers. Imagine if my husband was doing a sleepover with another woman,’ she said.
Carina went on to tell producers Paul had informed her a few weeks prior of his sexual history with Awhina’s identical twin sister. Awhina and Cleo are pictured
She claimed the partner swap, which sees each contestant swap their betrothed with someone else for three days, was ‘like a form of cheating’ and she didn’t want to take part in it
‘That’s just weird. Even if they’re just friends… I trust him a lot but it just doesn’t sit right in my gut.’
After a few hours of crying, Carina appeared to pull herself back together and agreed to continue on with partner swap week before moving in with groom Teejay Halkias.
‘Now that I’ve reflected on it, I can see that if I did not care about Paul so much and what we are building, I wouldn’t find this as difficult as I have been,’ she told producers.
But while Carina went back to being all smiles as she spoke with Teejay, 27, about the future she envisions with Paul, things back in her old apartment took a turn during the Honesty Letter task.
Paul confessed to Awhina ‘there are a few things that have been bothering’ him in his relationship with Carina.
‘I feel like she is a bit of a snob sometimes and can come across as very judgy, and I’ll be honest with you, this is giving me the ick,’ he said in a shock moment.
‘When I told Carina the reason why I knew you [Awhina], she made a comment about Cleo that gave me the ick. She said, “I didn’t know you would go for that kind of calibre.”‘
Stunned by the confession, Awhina asked: ‘Is this because my sister is covered in tattoos?’
‘I don’t want to do it. I don’t. I don’t agree with it. I don’t want to be doing this. This doesn’t feel like it’s going to bring me closer to you’ she wept
Paul confessed to Awhina ‘there are a few things that have been bothering’ him in his relationship with Carina
‘Yeah. That’s something that really gives me the ick because that’s not who I am,’ Paul said.
‘I’m not going to judge someone because they have tattoos or because of where they’re from.’
He went on to say: ‘Because of all these little comments that she’s made here and there, I have a feeling we may not be as compatible as we think we are.
‘I’m not going to lie, I’m quite scared of how she’s going to react if I ever bring those things up.
‘Is she going to feel attacked, is she going to deflect or lose her s*** or start crying?’